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Craft Cottage is a family run business that was established in the early 1980s. Steve and Judy Archbold had the passion and drive to start their own company when they decided they wanted to be their own bosses. Steve was always very good at coming up with great ideas and he could make anything with his hands.  Judy was always more artistic and loved to write.  Through the years, they built their business by trying many different crafts, and finally found their niche with children’s names. Judy used her God-given talent, of putting words into meaningful verses, and started writing.  When creating the profiles, Judy will tell you, “I just sit down and let God do the rest.” She wrote the book "Profiles A Study of Names" and had it copywritten in 1991. Now, we sell the name profiles at craft shows across Florida, Indiana, and Ohio. We have seen these name profiles touch many lives throughout the years, especially for people who have never seen their name before. It is important that we are able to do any name or spelling, from any culture. One of the main reasons the profiles were started was to have something special for all four of Steve and Judy’s children. Three of the children, Angela, Matthew, and Amanda could find their names in any souvenir shop. However, the fourth child, Christa, had a name that was not common and was not able to be found.  With that in mind, Judy decided to create something so all children (and children at heart) would be able to find their name, with a special verse, written just for them. We hope that the Craft Cottage Profiles will bring a smile to your face and touch your heart as well. We would love to hear from you. 
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